Friday, September 11, 2009

Still no internet

I still don't have internet, and I won't till the sixteenth, but in a way that has helped me because I can't distract myself when I sit down at my computer. Being in the midst of crew preseason is also difficult because 3 practices a day is tiring, but I always get more work done when I'm busy. I've written more during preseason than before it.
Really have to admit that historical is more difficult than the quiet character drama I did for SW II. But even if it ends up being crap I think it's still a good challenge.

The hardest part, a problem which I never had before, is dialogue. It's a subtle dance to try to make someone sound like they are from the 14th century without going overboard.


  1. Dialog is one of the thornier problems you're facing, and it's not something everyone does well. Don't worry about it at this stage. It's really something for your polish draft sometime in the spring.

  2. I agree with you that historical fiction is much more of a challenge than anything contemporary or something in which you are creating the world. There's a lot you have to keep within the realm of reality and truth while still being able to play around.

    I feel your pain about the dialogue too. It sucks. One of the criticisms I got from someone about a month ago I found to be really helpful. He said never use the word "okay" because it's entirely too modern. Once I did that, it made writing dialogue a little easier. Well, maybe not easier but after I wrote a line of dialogue I didn't spend a large amount of time deciding if it fits the time period or not. I don't know if that helps a lot, but I hope it does in some way.
