Monday, June 29, 2009

Fun but twisted

(I needed to stop thinking about my movie plot for a moment)

Dr. Eban Paulie is an expert in genetic customization. He specializes in giving couples a child with exactly the kind of traits they desire; blue eyes, athletic predisposition, etc. Being a child of this system himself he is incredibly handsome and obviously intelligent. All his life he has grown up with a constant assurance of his awesomeness, the compliments blurring into a comfortable white noise that lull him to sleep at night and keep him amused when he is bored on the way to work or listening to his assistant blather.

But something strange has happened to Dr. Paulie. Somewhere along the way to his current 32-year-old self, he fell in love with himself. Narcissism is a vice rampant in humanity, but his infatuation went beyond mere vanity and quickly snowballed into obsession. There were days when he would weep at the cold inaccessible reflection of himself, so perfect but so untouchable. Something had to be done, he must have himself.

So he took a sample of his DNA and cloned himself, creating an exact duplicate, down to the age, weight, and length of toe nails. Dr. Paulie called him Eban, and reveled in the joy of addressing himself and receiving an answer. Eban had no basis for any life comparisons and was very much a large infant, so for a while Dr. Paulie labored furiously, embedding Eban with information as well as teaching him things outright. They spent every waking moment together, and with the exception of Dr. Paulie's assistant, Binny, a mousy grad student, they had no interruptions in Eban's studies.

The clone and his original sped furiously through material that should have taken decades to comprehend, but with Dr. Paulie's technology it was only a matter of months. Paulie had to make Eban his intellectual as well as physical equal. Their progress was halted however, when the doctor was forced to attend a medical conference. He would be away for a week, and Binny would be entrusted with Eban's care...

to be continued...

So the physician set about making a clone of himself, a perfect soulmate in every way. His only equal in physical and mental capacity.

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